IJPCR the importance of enhancing visibility and scientific discoverability of all published articles in abstracting and citation (indexing) databases, well-known in the international scientific world. The Committee is doing their best to make our authors and their papers visible and accessible from almost everywhere on the web - because authors' impact is our highest priority!

We work with the major scientific databases in order to increase the visibility and ease of use of International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research (IJAMSCR).

The Journal now is in process of indexation in:

  • BASE,
  • BHL Citebank
  • CrossRef
  • Dimensions
  • EBSCOhost
  • EZB
  • FreeFullPDF
  • GALE Acdemic OneFile
  • Genamics JournalSeek
  • GoOA
  • Google Scholar
  • J-Gate
  • JournalGuide
  • JURN
  • Mendeley
  • MIAR
  • Microsoft Academic
  • ProQuest
  • Science Open
  • Ulrichsweb™
  • Unpaywall
  • Inspec
  • ICI – Copernicus
  • Internet Archive
  •  The Journal issues will be archived in:
  • Zenodo,
  • Library of Congress,
  • Portico,

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