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A Simple, sensitive, specific and precise RP-HPLC method for the pharmaceutical dose estimation of Vismodegib. Chromatogram was run through AscentisC18 150 x 4.6 mm, 5m. Mobile phase containing 0.1%NA2HPO4: Acetonitrile taken in the ratio 60:40was pumped through column at a flow rate of 1.0ml/min. Buffer used in this method was Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate (4.0ph) buffer. Temperature was maintained at 30°C. Optimized wavelength selected was 260.0nm. Retention time of Vismodegib was found to be 2.585 min. %RSD of the Vismodegib were and found to be 0.9. %RSD of Method precision of Vismodegib was found to be 0.5.%Recovery was obtained as 99.76% for Vismodegib. LOD, LOQ values obtained from regression equation of Vismodegib were 0.57, 1.72. Regression equation of Vismodegib isy = 37710x + 19681. Retention times were decreased, and that run time was decreased, so the method developed was simple and economical that can be adopted in regular Quality control test in Industries.