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The acute toxicity study of Colocasia esculenta leaves extract did not show mortality in the animals at the limit dose during the observation period. The result of α–amylase enzyme inhibition activity was found in a dose-dependent manner, the strongest activity was shown by Crude extract fraction (89.60 % inhibition at 1000 μg/mL) compared to the standard acarbose having 97.19% inhibition at 1000 μg/mL. The crude extract of Colocasia esculenta showed significant blood glucose-lowering effect on hypoglycemic mice and oral glucose loaded mice. In Alloxan-induced diabetic mice model, the crude extract fraction significantly decreased the fasting blood glucose level after 14 days of treatment. The result demonstrated the beneficial biochemical effects of Colocasia esculenta extract by inhibiting α–amylase improving serum lipid profile levels. The leaves crude extract are effective in lowering blood glucose levels in diabetic and hypoglycemic mice. The claimed traditional use as antidiabetic has scientific ground.


Diabetes mellitus Herbal medicine Colocasia esculenta Alloxan Anti diabetic activity

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