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The main aim of the study is to focus on the prescribing patterns of hypertensive drugs with comorbid in the tertiary care hospital. The objective of the antihypertensive treatment is to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular conditions and other comorbidities caused by sustained high blood pressure. The drug utilization research is to assess the rationality of drug use. Recently it has been found that hypertension is the most frequent cause of comorbidities and mortality throughout the world. Cardiac patients visiting the cardiologist are evaluated, diagnosed and prescribed with suitable therapy. Using a suitable designed data collection form, the details were collected from patient demographics, prescription chart, lab data, progress chart, medical records, doctor’s notes, nursing notes.  In the resultamong the lipid lowering agents, rosuvastatin was given to the most of the patients (53.84%) and atorvastatin (46.15%). Anti-hypertensive agents are predominantly used among the patients. The most preferred options were beta blockers, ace inhibitors and diuretics. Adrenergic receptor blockers are given to the patients with hypertension. Most of the physicians prescribed metoprolol (57.7%) and bisoprolol (8.8%). On the other hand, some physicians prescribed carvedilol (31.1%). Ace inhibitors had a great chance in the prescriptions enalapril was given to the most of the patients (66.6%). Diuretics were the third preferred option by the physicians, eplerenone (38.2%) and furosemide (32.3%). The study concluded that most of the patients included in the study were suffering from hypertension with underlying comorbidities. These may be due to their lifestyle, smoking, less exercise and poor health hygiene. The maximum number of patients was male and elderly people; it may be due to smoking and alcoholic habits. Analysis proclaims that statins and anti-atherogenic agents are dominant cardiovascular drugs when compared to others. Beta blockers, ace inhibitors, diuretics are predominant in anti-hypertensive group.


hypertension co morbidities drug use evaluation

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