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In the annual 4 million neonatal deaths worldwide one-third death are occurred with the association of infections .The countries where the high neonatal mortality is seen (>45 per 1000 births)about 50% of these deaths are caused by infections. The simple and effective method to prevent HCAI is the proper hand washing to be followed by personnel handling neonates The objectives of the study was to assess the pre-video assisted teaching program on hand washing technique among health care workers entering the NICU, to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programs on hand washing technique among health care workers entering the NICU, to find the association between the post video assisted teaching program on hand washing technique with their demographic variables.Totally 50 samples were selected using convenient sampling technique. The researcher developed a structured interview schedule to assess the demographic variables of the samples. The pre test was conducted to the selected samples using hand hygiene competency criterion checklist tool on the first day and the video assisted teaching program on hand hygiene technique was given for 5 minutes to those selected samples on the second day. Then the post test was conducted for the same group of healthcare workers, with the same tool on the seventh day. The data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study reveals that out of 50 samples in pre test 26(52%) had low competency, 14(28%) had adequate competency and 10(20%) had high competency and in post test 9(18%) had low competency, 19(38%) had adequate competency 22(44%) had that high competency. The calculated‘t’ value is t=8.459 which is found to be significant at p>0.05 level. So the video assisted teaching program was effective on improving the hand hygiene technique among health care workers.


Effectiveness Hand Hygiene Technique Video assisted teaching program Healthcare workers

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