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Asthma is a chronic disease that affects approximately 300 million people worldwide. Although wide range of drug is available, the relief provided by them is mainly symptomatic and short lived. Moreover, the side effects of these drugs are also quite disturbing. There are many natural herbs that can be used for asthma, treatment. Capparisdeciduas is traditionally used to treat asthma.

Objective: Although these plants possess diverse pharmacological actions, the scientific data on anti-asthmatic actions of this plant has got little attention. An attempt has been made to evaluate antiasthamatic activity of Capparisdeciduas of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of medicinal plant.

Materials and methods: Different groups of guinea pigs (350-500 g) of either sex were subjected to acetylcholine (n = 5) and histamine-induced (n = 10) airway constriction.

Results: AQECD and ALECD (200 and 300 mg/kg) showed potent bronchodilator activity on histamine-and acetylcholine-induced airway constriction in guinea pigs. These extract has shown the sub-effective dose produced at 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg in all the models. These LD50 values fall within the practically non-toxic range.

Discussion and conclusion: The present study for the first time indicates anti-asthmatic, acute, sub-acute studies of Capparisdeciduas medicinal plants, confirming their traditional claims. The anti-asthmatic action of Capparisdeciduas could be due to the inhibition of the synthesis, release or action of histamine and acetylcholine effect.


Antiasthmatic Capparisdeciduas Histamine-induced model and Acetylcholine induced model

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